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Learn how other institutions have already taken back control of their digital asset
infrastructure, and read expert views on a range of industry topics.

Customer Success

Our Stories

VASPs... meet DORA. Operational resilience.

Guidance on how to think about Digtial Operational Resilience Act (DORA) as a digital asset business.
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Figure Markets choose Cordial Treasury

Figure Markets has deployed Cordial Treasury to secure assets traded on their "Exchange for Everything".
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Customer Case Study: Jump Trading Group

Learn how Jump Crypto uses Cordial Treasury to move over 200 different digital assets across 35 blockchains 24/7.
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Custody Q&A with CTO of Jump Trading

Hear from the CTO of a large trading business on how institutions should think about digital asset custody.
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Cordial Treasury is live! Onboard today.

Cordial Treasury goes live. Jump Crypto and Backpack Exchange are named among the early cohort of customers, and over $2 billion in transfers secured to date.
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Market Landscape of Digital Asset Custody

Different digital asset custody models and their evolutions... learn about the events which led to more and more institutions opting to run custody software in-house.
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Value outside of Bitcoin and EVM networks

Solana, Cosmos, Provenance... learn the importance of alternative blockchains and why operational support is important for your business.
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Take back control.
Join the growing number of organizations opting out of pure SaaS wallets and taking control of their security back in-house.
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